Josh Hochman
Josh Hochman is an incoming J.D. candidate at Yale Law School and a Senior Associate at WestExec Advisors. He was previously a research assistant at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center, a College Fellow at Yale’s Kerry Initiative, and a speechwriter to the CEO of the Atlantic Council. At WestExec, he focuses his research and analysis on U.S.-China relations, the role of alliances in U.S. foreign policy, and the intersection of emerging technology and national security.
Josh graduated from Yale College in 2018 with a B.A. in History, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. He was selected for the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy and as one of two graduating seniors to lead the 2018 Class Day ceremony. He also served as President of the Yale College Democrats.
Josh grew up in New Jersey and currently lives in Washington, DC. He is fluent in French.