Moriah Nacionales-Tafoya
Moriah Nacionales-Tafoya is a Programs Associate at the Pacific Council on International Policy. Moriah leads and executes organization-wide initiatives with local-to-global implications on topics such as voter education, the Sustainable Development Goals, and U.S.-Mexico relations. Through her work she identifies ways to increase civic participation on global policy discussions in the wider Los Angeles community. In a previous role, Moriah helped lead national and international member delegations to El Paso, Mexico City, Bogota, and Dubai. Before her work at the Council, Moriah was awarded a Global Education Fellowship in Hunan, Changsha, China, where she taught English for a year and studied Mandarin.
Moriah received a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Spanish from Wheaton College. During her studies, she participated in the Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship at Princeton University to prepare for a career in the public arena. Additionally, she interned at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa, where she conducted a research project that revealed a “hidden population” of U.S. citizens (minors) and executed a campaign to provide U.S. Embassy services to the targeted communities. Moriah is fluent in Spanish and continues to learn Mandarin.